Founded in 2010, Tibet Airlines is based in Lhasa, Tibet in China and headquartered at Lhasa Gonggar Airport. The airline operates scheduled domestic flights and is famous for its high-altitude operations, operating at over 3,500 metres altitude. Tibet Airlines uses an Airbus narrow body, the A319, for high altitude airports and the airline has successfully connected Tibet to many domestic cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. Tibet Airlines' fleet is comprised of a mix of Airbus aircraft, with various different models, including the A319-100, A320-200 and A330-200. Overall, the airline has around 40 aircraft within its fleet.
西藏航空有限公司是中國民用航空局批准成立的國內首家高高原航空公司,於2011年7月26日正式首航,首航航線為拉薩—阿里。目前公司航線網絡覆蓋了西藏自治區內所有民航機場,開通國際及國內航線近60條;公司機隊規模近30架,未來將達到40餘架。 西藏航空標誌創意來源於藏族文化特有的元素——哈達和經幡。哈達,象徵真誠、純潔,寓意西藏航空熱情好客、服務周到,與世界人民的友誼地久天長;經幡,象徵吉祥與好運無處不在,祝愿旅客旅程平安順利。標誌造型具有動感,好像飛翔的翅膀,寓意西藏航空穿越雪域高原,帶著人們的願望遠航。它也可看作一道彩虹,寓意架設在世界屋脊的空中橋樑。 多種色彩寓意四通八達的航線,豐富的旅程,不同色彩具有特定的心理意象,紅色象徵積極熱情,黃色象徵富貴吉祥,綠色象徵身體健康,藍色象徵一切順利。鮮豔和諧的色彩共同預示著舒適的旅程和西藏航空美好的未來。 GDS:
Amadeus, Sabre, Travelport For more details, please visit or contact us at +852 2524 3233.